Monday, October 25, 2010

Modual Madness

**note: I loved this project :)


Half way done!

detail shot
10/15 Progress report

OH NO!! My project got smashed!
I was nearly finished with my project and decided to take it with me to my home town so i could finish it over the weekend. Unfortunately though, I was rear ended shortly after my departure... Soooo, my my project (as well as everything else) got flung and broke on impact. So Im going to have a hard time getting things to fit back together, I can already tell..

Got it pieced back together at least. Def not how I wanted it to turn out but I did the best I could fitting it back and filling it in. It sucks that there is an obvious disjunction at the bottom but luckly, if I present it right, it's not noticable.

The final product Crit
I ended up presenting two different pieces. The round one was my main one and the hanging one was a side project

- Shape: Somewhat round, yet not quite; excelent choice for the object because I did not force it to do something it could not do. How it is an irregular, sphereical shape makes it more organic. The "wart" adds a little pizzaz and it possibly would have been better to add a smaller wart to compliment it. It was a good choice to break up the plain surface. the bad: there are a few parts that are overly jarred. Half of the shape is pretty nicely round, but the other unevenly flat. The hole also is not quite big enough. The inside is not interesting enough for the viewer to go out of their way to look inside. It does not catch their attention enough to be of help. It needs to be either bigger or filled in.
- Size: Good size for object; Making it much bigger would cause it to lose the detail of the acorn tops. The strength is in the porous detailing. If it loses that then it loses what makes it interesting.
- Object: It's nice that the acron tops in the piece are not all the same size. It looks like a pattern, yet it's not because there are irregularties. the bad: there are broken pieces that detract from the object and distract the viewer. Also, it would have been nice to not see as much hot glue. It takes away from the organic-ness.

- Shape: The bottom half is better than the top. top: "like an explosion." it's too simular to the shape and idea of the round acron object. It doesn't match the bottom part, It would have been better to do one of the other. bottom: "Bell-like." The way that the acorns hang and sort of radiate makes it an excelent wall piece.
- Size: The size makes it very hard for the object to work as a.."table" piece(?). It is too small and would not hold onto a views attention for very long. As a wall piece a viewer would be more attentive. However, It would be much better if it were longer/bigger. It's much too short and stubby. It has continuance which makes one longing for more.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mark Making with Tool



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Notes 10.8.10

Human Figure

what holds art together?
  • Conceptually
  • Formally
Formally (point, line, shape, value, texture, color, space)
  -how we organize principles of design effects how we see harmony<-------->contrast
  -includes:  repetition, gestalt, placement(isolation), balance (symetrical/formal, asymetrical, informal, shape texture, color), scale/proportion, focal point.


Reading outline...

-art compared to music
-Isaac Newton chose 7 colors to correspond with the diatonis scale.
-James Whisler(1834-1903): title paintings arrangment, nocturne, and harmony
-"Composition": piece of music/element of design = unify a whole
-"Harmony": sounds of pictorial arrangment = easy on the eye

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mark Making: 10




left vs right
stab and pull
roll in hands

Mark Making: 16 ( and 10 quotes)

  • "Take these feelings and lock them away"
  • "You're born of a jackal!"
  • "The lighthouse beam has just run out"
  • "Let it fester and boil inside you"
  • "Start a brand new colony"
  • "We'll cut our bodies free"
  • "No time to think of consequences"
  • "I can't accept that it's over..."
  • "Why I have to leave"
  • "You've got a lure I can't deny"

Methods Used:

Fold and splatter:

Attach and swing:

 crumple and then lay flat
object under paper (leafs)

Instead of laying tape flat on paper, I bundled a bunch up and set it onto the paper.  By dripping, the ink would fall in the open spaces and by holding the paper upright it would fall from the tape onto avaliable white space.

backhand wrist flip
arm movement

Same motion with different objects:
small leafs
large leafs

eh....I don't know what they're called. Pine leafs?

Left hand:

Same basic gesture done two different ways yeilded very different results: